Sabtu, 11 Mei 2019

BIG War: NATO> VerSus < SCO {United Nations (UN) Threatened to be Dissolved} or UN Must Support indonesia to be Dissolved/lost = the Nusantara State Comeback again

BIG War: NATO> VerSus < SCO {United Nations (UN) Threatened to be Dissolved} or UN Must Support indonesia to be Dissolved/lost = the Nusantara State Comeback again


If there is BIG Battle : NATO >VerSus< SCO {the war of security council remains (Permanent)}

War Together in the earth : {SCO}: Russia & Tiongkok  >VerSus< {NATO} : U.S.America & France & Britania.

Will the United Nations (UN) be dissolved / lost ???

The Nusantara and the Saudi Arabia are the leaders of Islamic countries (Islamic Power (IP)).

Do United Nations (UN) have to bring up a third party ??? {UN can move headquarters / office from Newyork ==> move to 3rd party namely Islamic Power (IP) States}.

Competition, Disputes, Enmity in the Seizure of Territories and the Seizure of Natural Resources on Earth, WITHOUT SHARING (SHARE=SHARIAH), namely:

a. NATO >VerSus< SCO

b. South America >VerSus< North America (U.S.America and Canada)

c. Europe Union >VerSus< U.S.America (because in NATO, U.S.America NOT EUROPEAN).

d. Continental War ==> ASIA & AFRICA >VerSus< EUROPE Union & Australia.

indonesia must be abolished because violating the UN resolution (in-done-sia NOT from forefather or ancestor) !!!

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indonesia >VerSus< United Nations (UN)

What in-done-sia same like yu-go-slavia = dissolved / lost ???

indonesia is illegal name, according to the international law-rules :

1. To be based on Resolutions of United Nations (Number : XVII), Year 1963.

2. UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Sea), year 1994.

3. On Januari 7, 1965 : indonesia (Soekarno President) Out/removed from United Nations (UN).
indonesia to violate UN Resolution. Soekarno is Anti U.S.America ===>> Pro Uni Soviet.

4. and so on (ex : Montevideo Convention, year 1933, etc).

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UN Must Support indonesia to be Dissolved = the Nusantara State Comeback again !!!

1. indonesia Nothing territory !!! NUSANTARA had TERRITORY.

2. indonesia name from colonization (Netherland). Nusantara name from forefather or ancestor

3. indonesia is new nation on august 17, 1945. Nusantara old nation, October 24, 1275.

4. - King of Singosari Kingdom : Kertanegara (Nusantara Nation to stand on date, October 24, 1275)

   - Great Prime Minister of Majapahit Kingdom : Gajah Mada (in Palapa Oath/Swear/Vow/Pledge, He Say Nusantara (Not indonesia).

5. in UNCLOS (UN Convention). indonesia to say : Wawasan Nusantara ( because indonesia Nothing territory).


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Ide & Penulis : PURNA HANDOKO
No. Rekening : 0438.964.504 (Mohon Bantuan Financial)
BNI Syariah cabang Pekanbaru
Anggota Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII)
Anggota Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
Anggota Keluarga Alumni Pelajar & Mahasiswa Riau-Yogyakarta (KAPEMARY)
Tulung Agung (Jawa Timur), Bantul Yogyakarta,
Bumi Malayu (Pekanbaru - Riau) Minang Maimbau Juo.

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